
+1 (604) 806-0234


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 6PM

Fractional RF Downtown Vancouver
Viora’s V-FR makes your body’s skin rejuvenation and resurfacing treatments safer than ever, with effective, immediate, long-lasting results. It is suitable for all skin types, throughout the year. The treatments are safe due to SVC technology that brings together switching, vacuum, and cooling mechanisms for more safety, control, and comfort. The system delivers RF energy via micro pinpoints beneath the skin’s surface to create focal heat points directly at the source of the symptoms of skin imperfections.The healing process of these controlled thermal points leads to the regeneration of new collagen and skin cells. The result: revitalized, fresher-looking skin.
The results are visible from the first treatment. Typically, a three-session initial treatment course is sufficient to achieve long-lasting results. V-FR is your ideal fractional solution for:
Body Skin resurfacing, Skin Rejuvenation, Skin tightening, Stretch marks correction. Body Scar Correction

RF Fractional Vancouver
Stretch marks correction